Us and Them and Racial Blindness

Shashi Kapoor was, to use the patois of the times, a real ‘chocolate box hero’, with those eyelashes, that crooked smile and artful lock of hair curling over his forehead. He looked different from the other stars of the time and from the cookie-cutter young male actors today. So it was unfortunate that the BBC used a clip of his nephew Rishi Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan (neither of whom look remotely like Shashi Kapoor) while telecasting the news of the latter’s demise.
It came hard on the heels of an earlier BBC gaffe in which a Vietnamese film-maker was introduced as a Japanese doctor, presumably because to the production staff they looked the same. The TV channel apologised profusely for both boo-boos, but it was apparent that racial blindness is prevalent today even in most cosmopolitan cities. And we Indians are not the only ones who can be accused of being so with regard to our fellow citizens from the north-east.
Over a decade ago at a party attended by a lot of diplomats, a rather bumptious obese envoy of a South American country loudly announced that all Indians looked the same to him so he could not possibly be expected to remember faces and names. I retorted that not only is he in the wrong profession as clearly diplomacy is not his strong suit, this remark was a bit rich coming from him considering his own compatriots looked very much like Indians too.
He was surprised at the stinging retort – though I doubt that seared either my name or face in his memory –a lot of other diplomats around him looked sheepish. Clearly he was not the only one who had that problem, it’s just that the others were more circumspect about their inability to tell one Indian from another. And since Indians vary enormously in physical characteristics, unlike more racially distinct nations, this should not be an issue, logically speaking.
The Japanese term gaijin means outside person or all non-Japanese. Some foreigners consider it derogatory though the Japanese insist it has no racial or ethnic bias. Of course regarding everyone else as “non-us”—an amorphous, indistinguishable body of, well, firangs –doesn’t seem very eclectic. Sudeep Chakravarti in his new book The Bengalis points out that my community has a similar exclusionist concept, the non-Bengali.
Distinguishing features often also requires a practised eye, trained by exposure.
My mother once surprised a north-eastern health professional by correctly identifying which state she hailed from. The young girl was immensely touched, given the bias of many Indians. Indeed, not only do our north eastern tribes have different features, the Chinese – the facile omnibus term used to describe those with epicanthic eyefolds – have regional differences too.
Indians have a lot of template biases— “fair” north Indians versus “dark” south Indians, “chinky” north-easterners etc – but such descriptions are obviously inaccurate as skin colour and racial features are not geographically discrete in any country, including India. For instance, epicanthic eyefolds occur in the Icelandic and Sami people, Hungarians, Irish, the Malagasy, Nilotes, central, south and native Americans besides Indians and other east Asians.
But thanks to the internet, very few people can use non-exposure as an excuse for thinking every Indian (or other nationality) looks the same. Tourism–even vicariously via TV shows—gives us a chance to see people of all shapes, sizes, facial features and colours with no effort. Besides, we are already an increasingly diverse world in things that are not physically obvious, from gender identity and sexual preferences to political leanings and cultural moorings.
The Shashi-Rishi mix-up as well as the Vietnamese-Japanese swap could be put down to carelessness. But it’s also true that humans are the only species that remains fundamentally so diverse. We should definitely aspire to an amalgamated world in the future wherein races and nationalities will be so inter-twined that all humans will have a multi-coloured, multi-cultural background and such mix-ups will be impossible.

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